
Marta's Story

She was 13 and pregnant. Her parents were horrified. Her friends made fun of her.……


She was 13 and pregnant.

Her parents were horrified. Her friends made fun of her. Her classmates looked down on her.

But Marta hadn’t known any better. Lots of young teens are sexually active in her home nation of Mozambique. Lots of young girls become mothers and end up raising several children alone, in poverty.

“The pregnancy was a wound in my heart,” Marta says.

“I felt like a victim, and that God did not even love me. I was so ashamed, I couldn’t even look people in the eye. When I saw people laughing, sometimes I thought they were laughing at me. And I thought my life would never change for the better.”

It didn’t seem to. After she had the baby, she still felt condemned by her family and neighbors. Her step-mother even told people that all Marta was good for was eating, sleeping and getting pregnant!

“My life changed when I saw The GodMan film,” Marta says today.

“I started to understand how God loves me to the point of giving Jesus to die for people like me. And God doesn’t condemn me! He wants to save me.”

Marta dedicated her life to Christ, began to study her Book of Hope and attend her local church. Today, at age 18, she is completely transformed and full of joy!



Télécharger Mozambique SSWC - Attitudes & Behaviors Report

Télécharger Mozambique Findings at a Glance